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Sepron, servizi e prodotti nutrizionali.
Una gamma completa per la moderna zootecnia:
  • Mangimi complementari vitaminici e minerali
  • Mangimi complementari liquidi
  • Nuclei medicati e prodotti intermedi
  • Nuclei per suini con farina di aringhe e plasma
  • Gel orali in confezione monodose
  • Antidiarroici e sostitutivi del latte
  • Formulazioni personalizzate in polvere, liquide ed in pellets
  • Prodotti speciali

Phyto Air

Prevents and relieves all type of stress conditions effectively thereby, improving production performance.
Help to develop enhanced body resistance against infections.


Silymarin have shown anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties in liver tissue acting on immune system modulation.
(Dehmlow et al. 1996; De la puerta et al. 1996; Luper 1998)
Cynarine acts on lipid metabolism by decreasing the production of endogenous cholesterol and triglycerides and increasing its excretion or redistribution in natural deposits. (Hepatoprotection and coleresis - Reduction of cholesterol biosynthesis)


The typical Mediterranean diet is based on regular consumption of high intakes of fruit, vegetables, and olive oil. It is recognized by the World Health Organization for its health benefits. Polyphenols are considered to be the most abundant bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties in the Mediterranean diet.
SEPROXY delivers an authentic and synergistic polyphenol fingerprint from beneficial Mediterranean fruit and vegetables.

Sepron Energy

Panax ginseng trusted for over 5.000 years promoting vigor, nourish nervous system, enhances hormonal secretion, lower blood sugar, reduce cholesterol and increase immunity. Panax ginseng saponins are the key active components. They exhibits activities that support blood sugar levels already in the normal range

Sepron Gut

  • regulates the volume of the faecal mass and the intestinal transit;
  • acidifies the faecal mass and elevates the short chain fatty acids (esp. propionic acids);
  • increases the faecal nitrogen excretion and consequently decreases kidney nitrogen excretion. High ammonia concentrations in the large intestine influence badly healthiness and disturb the activity of the cellular divisions of the intestinal walls. Inulin decreases this ammonia content of the large intestine;
  • improves absorption of minerals (Ca, Mg, etc.) in the large intestine;
  • stimulates the immune system by developing the beneficial bacteria to become the predominant genus in faeces, and consequently by reducing the pathogen bacteria.
  • Liverprotector                            
  • Choeleretic: improve the bile activities

Cal D Sepron

La lotta più efficace all'ipocalcemia post-partum

  1. Fornisce calcio altamente assimilabile
  2. Sostiene il metabolismo del calcio
  3. Solubile in acqua
  4. Non lascia residui nelle tubazioni
  5. Soluzione di Pronto intervento ed economico 

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